Tarot Reading Certification

Tarot has been a fascination since it’s beginning. Many get attracted to know about their future and often are looking for a reader.

At The Shoonya Space, we look at Tarot and for that matter any divination tools as more than a prediction system. If well approached, Tarot can offer the most appropriate guidance which then can help one to make right choices and achieve their goals.

Do you want to become a Certified Tarot Reader and help people to gain right guidance? This is an 18 hours long course spanning over 30 days.

The course content is:

  • History and Theory of Tarot
  • History of the Tarot Decks
  • Knowing your deck
  • Learning to develop the connect with your deck
  • Different types of Spreads

They say that, for a good psychic, any tool can be the best tool. We say that Learning Tarot is a way to become a good psychic when it’s done right.

Want to know more? Contact us to register if you feel called for.

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